Молот Тора

Тор - бог грома и молнии, сын царя Асгарада. В 8 лет отец подарил мальчику мьёльнир - молот великой силы. Но прежде Тор должен доказать, что достоин молота! Целых 8 лет он совершал подвиг за подвигом, пока отец не увидел в нём нового преемника трона царя Асгарда! Молот Тора - великое оружие богов. Проверь свои силы! Схватись за ручку и вызови гром и молнию.

The hammer of Thor

Thor is the god of thunder and lightning, the son of King Asgarad. At the age of 8, his father gave the boy a mjolner - a hammer of great power. But first, Thor will prove that he is worthy of the hammer! For 8 whole years he performed feat after feat, until his father saw in his new successor to the throne of the king of Asgard! The hammer of Thor is the great weapon of the gods. Test your strength! Grab the handle and summon thunder and lightning. Loki's pranks. The hammer was so heavy that no one could even lift it, except for Thor. But the hammer was recognized as the greatest work of blacksmiths.